Maria asks…
Is it possible for me to get my Ball Python Snake, Goldfish, and Tetras to bond together as well as with me?
I’m not going to be housing either of them together, but I have about 10 Common Goldfish, 1 Black Moor, and about 2 Tetras and planning onto getting about 4 more since these do better in groups of six, but I want to house their tanks next to each other so that way they can get use to each others presence and stuff, but before I can get them to bond and what not, I have to spend more time with them and i’m going to be handling my bp everyday except two days after a feed or while in shed, but yeah i’ve heard that bribing goldfish with food is a good way to bond with them and i’m not saying that these animals can love, but I believe the fish can, but they are both are capable of bonding with their owners and if you don’t believe me, look at this great lady’s youtube page: she has gotten her cat to bond with her ball python as well as her other snakes bonding together, but they live separately in their own enclosures and I asked a question yesterday on here about how to build trust/bonding with your goldfish, but got about 2 dumb answers, but feel free to answer it, if you’d like, here ya go:;_ylt=AvU2dLdoqU7x9agfPqKSs_Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120114214626AAq3xj4.
So yeah sure they aren’t going to play with one another, but seeing each other/watching one another can be a great thing and i’m sure that they can become the best of friends, so yeah wondering if it is somehow possible to get them to bond together?
admin answers:
Your snake and fish are not going to bond with you. You think a goldfish has an brain that is capable of remembering you? That’s crazy. The snake is not intelligent enough to remember you or even know who you are.. I don’t care if someone posted a video of a snake and cat near each other that doesn’t mean the snake likes the cat, the snake is most likely scared to death and the cat may end up hurting the snake some day.. If that ball was a 12 foot burm the cat would be food by now..
Snakes do not love their owners and they dont have any emotions at all.. Instinct is what they go by and thats it. So believe what you want but ill take the words of people that research these animals for many years. People who have phds in the field of study.
Charles asks…
what do you think of this death scene?
The scene taking place in front of me–so devastatingly horrible–seemed to be in slow motion. my entire world seemed extra sharp and extra real–like watching something on a high definition TV. Except this was reality. and it was Will and Sebastian i was watching.
Sebastian drove the blade dead-center in the middle of Will’s chest and Will’s eyes flew wide open. a look of disbelieving confusion passed over his face; he looked down at his chest as if he didn’t know what was happening. His sword slid from his hand and thumped to the dirt. Sebastian jerked his hand back, the way someone might yank a dagger from its sheath. As if it had been all that was holding him up, Will sank to his knees and then fell to the ground.
Sebastian sank to the ground and knelt next to his nephew. He lowered his face and pressed it into the green cotton of Will’s tunic. I couldn’t tell if he was crying or not. he hovered over Will while he died, and the ever-present light in his eyes dimmed. And then Sebastian lifted his head and crossed Will’s arms over his chest as if he were trying to hide the bloody wound there. He got to his feet, stared at Will for a moment, and then he took off back toward the castle.
I couldn’t move. I could barely breathe. My eyes had gone wide and they were wet, but no tears were shed. The only two sounds i could hear were my harsh breathing and my heart thumping steadily and loudly.
I felt numb as I made my way into the middle of the clearing toward Will. I dropped like a rock to my knees beside him and pulled him into my lap. I clutched his as tightly as I could and buried my face in his tunic. The sobs that had been held back by shock suddenly broke free and ripped through my body.
I couldn’t help but think of the way Will looked at me. His eyes had always seemed to burn with passion for everything, but when he’d looked at me, it was like they were set ablaze with faith. He’d always believed in me. He’d always thought I was strong. I could imagine the way he’d look at me now–giving up, just sitting there and crying over his lifeless body when i could be back at the castle off the monsters that threatened to conquer our land.
He wouldn’t let me touch him. He wouldn’t see it as a beautiful gesture or as a sad goodbye. He’d be angry at me. He would yell and scream at me to get my butt off the ground and do what I was meant to do, until I got so mad that I’d do exactly what he wanted.
It was that knowledge that made me realize that I had to let him go, though i knew that some part of me was never going to let go.
I laid Will back on the ground and brushed dark, damp hair away from his face. “I love you.” I whispered and bent down to press my lips against his forehead for the last time. Then I got to my feet. Running back in the direction of the castle, I stopped only once at the edge of the clearing to look back at Will. And then I was gone.
so what do you guys think? it may not be the best writing ever & it might be unoriginal, but i’ve got writer’s block right now and plan to edit it as soon as my creativity is flowing.
you’d probably need to read the entire book i’ve written for the high def tv part. i forgot to mention that. to make ti short the main character lived in the present day but goes back to her birth place on a different plane of existence that she never knew existed so she would know about that stuff…yeah. lol
an as a part of the sequel he’s gonna come back! haha.
and the bad guy doesn’t know she’s there. in the scene before she see’s the bad guy escape the fight and Will chasing after him but she has to finish off the monster she’s fighting before chasing after them. she follows their path through the forest. they’d already been fighting before she gets there and right when they’re in view she stops at the edge of the clearing, hidden by the trees and is frozen in place by what happens not a second after she sees them.
admin answers:
Arright. I preffer the sadder Inglorious Basterds death scene, where Shoshanna shoots Fredrick in the back and he lies on the floor bleeding to death, her kneeling beside him remorseful and regretting what she had done only to have him turn with a P08 shooting her as well, his final bullet being in her heart which kills him too :/
William asks…
I have 10 weeks to get into shape?
Well, a bunch of friends and I are going to Cancun the end of November.
We all put $50.00 in to a pot and the “biggest loser” gets the pot.
LOL…..I want that $$$$
What are some easy ways to shed some pounds?
Right now I’m 6′ and I’m 204 pounds. I’m guessing I could lose 20 pounds. Is that possible in 10 weeks?
I’m going to cut out pop all together and drink more water.
I need diet tips and whats healthy to eat….and quick to make.
I hate cooking! It was always easy for me to go get fast food.
I did buy a bike and plan on riding that a lot. Any other things I can do?
I don’t have the money to go to the gym.
I work 8-5 Monday – Friday.
Whens the best time to work out? I was thinking of buying some Dvds like for aerobics etc.
What about colon cleansing? I heard you can get rid of like 5 pounds alone in human waste.
Thanks for any help, feel free to send me a message, I would LOVE all the help I can get!
admin answers:
Worse come worse you have to prepare your own foods!you cant lose weight eating fastfoods!you seem to have a nice plan already…dont go on any diet…its not about getting the weight off dude,it all about keepint the weight off for life!
Richard asks…
A few questions about the PS3′s Data Transfer Utility…?
Ok, so here’s the story…Back in march of 2007 I bought a 60GB PS3 and have never had any problems with it up until now. It has stopped reading Blu-ray games and movies but still reads DVDs, CDs, and PS2 games. I know that it is an easy fix with just buying a new Blu-ray drive, but rather than run the risk of replacing it and then finding something else wrong with it, I plan on buying a new 160GB slim PS3 all together.
So my questions lie with the Data Transfer Utility in general here…Now I know HOW to do it, but I am just unaware of what specifically gets transferred.
1. What exactly gets transferred over to the new PS3? (User list? Saved Data? Game data? Trophies? PSN games? Pictures? Music? Videos? ect.)
2. I have game shared with a few friends and they have game shared with me…Will things like Call of Duty map packs, or complete games that I have downloaded from friends be transferred over in save data, or will I have to re-download through the PSN store?
3. I would just like to reiterate that I have multiple accounts to go along with the accounts I have from friends sharing games with me in my users list. For most of these I have since forgotten both email addresses and passwords for these accounts. So I was wondering if they get transferred over as saved passwords and email addresses like they are presently, or would I have to recall them all from memory?
I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this subject, and if you have any other information to share that I have overlooked, please feel free to let me know. Thank you.
(By the way, I realize that the PSN is down currently and I cannot complete this operation until it is fully operational again. Also the PSN being down has no impact on why my PS3 isn’t functional. Thanks again.)
admin answers:
Just for informational purposes, if you were ever to fix the broken PS3, do NOT replace the Blu-ray drive, it won’t ever work again. The Blu-ray drive is synced to the PS3s motherboard, and you can’t sync a new drive. In order to get the Blu-ray drive to work again, you can only change the laser and/or moving parts, not the drive itself.
When you use the Data Transfer Utility, everything from one PS3 to the other PS3 transfers, EVERYTHING. It duplicates the PS3, so when you get on the new PS3, it would be the EXACT SAME as getting on the old PS3.
1. What gets transferred? Everything. You won’t notice the difference between the old PS3 or new PS3.
2. Everything gets transferred over, nothing has to be redownloaded.
3. All accounts get transferred over. The PS3 has a maximum of 16 User accounts available. If you have 16 User accounts, all 16 User accounts will be transferred.
Just so you are aware, when you are Game Sharing, you do NOT need to know what the person’s email or password is to access their content, you only need to have their account on your PS3. If they change their email and password on their account, it doesn’t effect the shared game content you are illegally using (read the ToS if you don’t believe you are illegally using it), as long as the account the content belongs to is on the PS3. Delete the account, the content becomes inaccessible until the account is put back on the PS3 (then you would need to know the email and password).
Use the Data Transfer Utility, and you will be able to use the new PS3 as if it was the old PS3, you will never know the difference as to which PS3 you are using.
Donald asks…
how well does the FURminator treatment work for dogs constantly in the heat?
im planning on getting an Akita. I know they have really heavy coats. I live in Miami,Florida…the dog would generally be indoors for the most part. but I hear they still shed excessively in the heat. So i was wondering how well the furminator treatment would work for these conditions? My mom is really paranoid about dog fur being around so i want to keep things as clean as possible.
also, what might help control the fur and how can i help keep the house fur free and clean and nice smelling?
any advice will help!
thank you so much!
admin answers:
Just buy the large size furminator and brush the dog regularly
no need to pay $78 for a shampoo and brushing
ADD: ugh, to refute Bunk’s typical, over the top, wrong, rabid ranting:
My wife runs a petsitting co, w/over 100 dog clients
yes – all dogs shed.
Dogs 101 = frequent brushing greatly helps w/the shedding situation
And while furminators are grossly expensive, they do work alot better than just any plain old brush.
No, they do not cut coats – they do the same thing a brush does, only more effectively.
I wouldn’t pay full retail for one, but if you can find one cheaper, I can vouch for how well the brush works.
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